This is going to be a project; A very unique project. The project is very simple: To have the guts (or some would say "balls") to defy wrong; to defy people who have done you or other people harm..And Yes I said the project would be simple but not easy.
Who and What am I talking about?
Im not just talking about individuals who cut lines or cut lanes; I'm talking about individuals who are really douche bags. I'm talking about people/companies/institutions who just take advantage of you or people you know just because they can.
I'm talking about the 'crocs's you see along EDSA, the taxman bamboozling your business, the companies and institutions who you pay but receive absolute garbage. I could go on and on but you already know who I am talking about.
It's a project to defy a system wherein your already the victim, someone who was wronged, and the system would rather sit on its behind than move a muscle to help you UNLESS you throw your hard-earned money to its direction. I'm not just talking about the government, I'm talking about an entire country plagued with douche-bags and idiots.
If your thinking the Law will help you, it won’t. You think the executive, legislative or judiciary will help you. They won’t (They’ll burden you, frustrate you but not help you). They haven’t for a long time (or maybe they never did) and I’m betting they won’t in the future.
What am I asking?
I’m asking you to either put it out in the open via this medium or act on it.
I want you to have the guts to post what you know (with as many details as possible) for the obvious reason that information is ammunition but also for the reason that someone out there who has the “balls” and power might hear you and correct and punish douche-bags and idiots. Provide you just retribution.
I want you to act upon it. Don’t allow yourself to be bullied. Don’t let yourself be pushed around especially people in government and big institutions. I’m not asking you to sacrifice yourself nor your quiet life to defy wrong (but doing it openly and notoriously is very admirable). People say Filipinos are very creative(We’ll tackle more of that later). Just don’t overdo it. Be Just.
What is the objective?
The objective is for that person to emerge who has enough balls and power to move hundreds to destroy thousands.. Thousands of douche-bags and idiots.
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